Technology Courses

Below are some videos from our technology courses.

Intro to Python

Intro to Visual Programming

Intro to Web Design

Introduction to Python

This Python course is designed for Middle School grades. It teaches Python programming fundamentals and syntax in a simple, easy-to-understand manner using examples that would be relevant to the age group. It includes creating projects at the end of every logical section using the concepts taught in the section.  The projects include popular games to keep the target audience engaged and eager for more. The course covers the key fundamentals of Python, including data type and structures, loops, functions, and error handling. By the end of the course, the student will have the ability and confidence to write a small Python program to solve a real-world problem.

Introduction to Visual Programming

With Scratch, you will be introduced to programming through block coding. Easily create animations, apps, games and interactive web pages.  Computer programming opens up a virtual world with endless possibilities.  Allow your creativity to flow and your problem solving to flourish. The world of computer programming awaits you!

Introduction to Web Design

This course will give you the skills and knowledge to create your web pages. You will learn to create web pages by learning two important coding languages, HTML and CSS. This course begins with an overview of the history and purpose of computer coding. After this, you will learn the basics of HTML. HTML gives you the ability to add text, media, and basic structuring to web pages. Next, you will learn fundamental design principles by styling your pages with CSS. This course includes many projects to help you test your skills. By the end of this course, you will be able to use your technical knowledge to create pages on your own.